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关于屈臣氏 屈臣氏为屈臣氏集团旗下一旗舰品牌,业务遍布13个亚洲及欧洲市场,经营超过7,200家店铺,其中超过1,500家提供专业药房服务。屈臣氏一直致力于通过为顾客提供个性化的咨询与建议,配以傲视同侪的多元化产品种类,令顾客每天都能LOOK GOOD, FEEL GREAT。 屈臣氏在中国内地470多个城市拥有超过3,600家店铺和逾6,500万名会员,是国内为大众所熟知的保健及美妆产品零售连锁店。屈臣氏在质量.......    [查看全部]

关于屈臣氏 屈臣氏为屈臣氏集团旗下一旗舰品牌,业务遍布13个亚洲及欧洲市场,经营超过7,200家店铺,其中超过1,500家提供专业药房服务。屈臣氏一直致力于通过为顾客提供个性化的咨询与建议,配以傲视同侪的多元化产品种类,令顾客每天都能LOOK GOOD, FEEL GREAT。 屈臣氏在中国内地470多个城市拥有超过3,600家店铺和逾6,500万名会员,是国内为大众所熟知的保健及美妆产品零售连锁店。屈臣氏在质量与创新方面建立了相当声誉,为顾客奉上令人惊喜不断和物超所值的购物环境,从而赢得顾客高度信赖。 有关屈臣氏集团及旗下品牌资料,详情请浏览。 关于屈臣氏集团 屈臣氏集团于1841年在*创立,现已发展成*知名的国际保健美容零售商,在25个市场经营超过15,200家商店。每年,超过五十亿名顾客在我们*12个零售品牌所开设的实体店铺以及电子商店上购物。 屈臣氏集团是跨国综合企业长江和记实业有限公司的成员。长江和记业务遍及超过五十个国家及地区,经营港口及相关服务、零售、基建、能源以及电讯等五项核心业务。 关屈臣氏集团及旗下品牌资料,详情请浏览。阁下亦可透过我们品牌的线上平台(电商、社交平台、手机程序等) 随时跟进我们的动向。 About Watsons Watsons is Asia’s leading health and beauty retailer, currently operating over 7,200 stores and more than 1,500 pharmacies in 13 Asian and European markets. With years of experience and accomplishments, Watsons has long been outshining in the industry. Watsons operates more than 3,600 stores in over 470 cities in Mainland China, with over 65 million members, making Watsons a well-known health & beauty retailer in China. Watsons has built its success and reputation on quality and innovation, offering enjoyable shopping environment and great value-for-money to its customers, winning the trust of the consumers. As a dedicated brand in the health and beauty industry, Watsons provides customers with personalized advice and counseling on top of its wide product range, making customers LOOK GOOD, FEEL GREAT every day. Watsons is a well-received pharmacy/drugstore brand in Asia, and in Europe, it is also a widely recognized health and beauty retailer in Ukraine. With 30 years of experience in health and beauty industry in China, Watsons is committed to providing customers and the industry with more superior, professional and quality service. Watsons is the flagship health and beauty brand of A.S. Watson Group. Please visit for more in-depth information about A.S. Watson Group and its brands. About A.S. Watson Group Established in Hong Kong in 1841, A.S. Watson Group is a world-renowned i   [收起]

公司别称 公司性质 公司规模
北京屈臣氏个人用品连锁商店有限公司 1000人以上
公司行业 联系人 联系电话
多元化集团贸易/进出口批发/零售 王小姐
公司地址 企业邮箱 公司官网
北京总部地址北京市朝阳区朝阳门丰联广场A座12层 查看地图 //
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